Its been a while…..

Hey cyber world shewww it has been a minute since I last did this . Well where does one start. I have been thinking of blogging for a while with so many thoughts that I wanted to put out there. But if I may fast forward to the now and why I have not been that busy over here. Is because guess what Miz Understood got herself hitched and had a baby. Who would have thought oh my goodness yes it has been busy. Having another baby after 10 years it not at all a damn walk in the park. Let me tell you my body doesn’t feel like my own and I have bones hurting in places I didn’t even think was possible. But let me tell you this mommas no kid comes with an instruction manual. We all just winging it as we go along. Let’s be honest with ourselves I am pretty sure there are many mommas out there that uses an extra 5 minutes in the loo just to breathe. Since I gave birth I have been overwhelmed with joy, love and exhausting times. But in the end its all fine. I counted seven extra Grey hairs today and my wrinkles under my eyes are still there. But would I trade it for anything else no. Not at all. Because honestly we don’t have it all figured out. When your kid is sitting there and the only word he or she can say is Dada and then cry because the toy is too far from them or if it’s at those odd moments when they laughter is the best thing next to coffee I tell you I welcome it. Now picture this a baby with a 11 year old as well . Imagine dealing with all these different levels and then still discovering your kids everyday as time goes bye.

I wouldn’t even been able to give myself advice but I just trust and believe that every day is different and that one day these little ones won’t be little anymore. And these tiring times will all be worth it in the end. So tell me how do you like you ice coffee that was once a steaming cup of bliss. Or do you also find yourself picking up toys late at night then finding a spill on the floor then cleaning that up. By the time you have done all that and rearranged your place for the fourth time this week to make sure that it is crawling toddler safe. Do you look at yourself and say it’s OK tomorrow we do all of this again lol. So mommas you not alone out there I get your tired is tired and that sometimes you feel defeated that all you did today was keep the kids alive and make chicken nuggets. You left that toys for the morning and the laundry for the day after. I tell you momma you got this and every 5 minutes you make it through the day. You will enjoy a lifetime of joy…. I salute you momma and all that you do.

Stay safe and be blessed much cyber space love.

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